The components - I
The water block at the heart of Corsair's COOL is actually fairly non descript.

Clearly made from copper, I'd need a small endoscope to find out what's inside!

The central port is the inlet and the corner port the outlet, I'd guess there was spiral groove inside it, but it's only a guess.
If you look at the picture above you'll see the block already has two hoses connected to it, held in place by metal crimps no less. This is the way Corsair supply it and I have to say I think it's an excellent decision. I can't think of a more costly place to have a water leak than in the centre of your motherboard directly above your graphics card.
Installing the block is easy, easier than an air cooled 'sink because of its low profile, there's not much to comment on here except maybe aesthetics; green and black isn't to my taste, but whatever floats your boat!.
Frankly there's little more to say about the pump...

It's small, cute and black. Handily it's DC powered so you can plug it straight into a free Molex connector, a double sided sticky sponge sheet is provided to mount it almost anywhere in your case - though it's recommended you put it at the bottom of the loop (it's not self priming, if air goes through it it'll break, so putting it at the lowest point in the loop minimises this risk).
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